As we’ve tried to emphasize in a variety of posts on this blog, agile training and its subtypes like certified scrum master training have wide-ranging applicability to the workplace, and not strictly in the field of software development. Some types of agile training have direct forerunners and analogs in manufacturing processes. And this helps to underscore the fact that agile training is simply a set of best practices in terms of hierarchy, collaboration, and project management, which are typically implemented across entire organizations in the IT industry.
We expect that when you undertake some form of agile training online, you’ll quickly discern the practicability of the processes that it outlines. And we expect this to be the case no matter what type of agile training you choose. But with that said, it bears emphasizing that not every type of agile training is built the same. As a recent post at Business Computing World points out, there are five main categories of agile training, but ultimately hundreds of specific methodologies you could choose to adopt as part of your career, be it in information technology or anything else.
It’s worth clicking over to that article to read its brief descriptions of the defining features of each main category. And once you’ve done so you may be inspired to expand your research, with an eye toward finding which alternative is right for you. But how to do this? It’s not something that the given article discusses. And from what we’ve seen, it’s not a common topic in the overall literature on information technology training.
Business Computing World assumes that its audience consists of executives at IT firms who are in a position to build a team from scratch and freely choose the type of agile training that will govern their operations and future hiring. But we assume that much of our audience consists of aspiring IT professionals who aren’t sure about why type of agile training – or any other type of online information technology training – will give them the best leg up on their career.
To those people we say that there are a few different ways you might go about choosing which form of agile training is right for you. None of them are foolproof, but each of them will give you some sense of where the relevant training might take your career. And in any event, even if you’re not one hundred percent confident in the type of methodology you focus on, you’ll learn useful skills and processes from any of them, provided that you are working with a high-quality information technology consultancy.
When examining your specific training options, try to keep all three of these criteria in mind: your desired IT position, your desired employer, and your own natural inclinations. In the first place, different roles may seem suited to different types of agile training, and you should consider which methodology would allow you to fulfill that role with the fewest conflicts. But regardless of your role, most firms will already have an established methodology. So if you know where you want to land, you should research which types of agile training its current employees have pursued, and follow in their footsteps.
But you must also never forget the potential for aligning your agile training with the types of hierarchies and procedures that seem to come most naturally to you, or that seem most efficient based on your experience. By seeking this alignment and trying to tie it to organizational and career expectations, you can dramatically increase your chances of an IT placement that will be not only lucrative but also a perfect match for your interests, skills, and personality.