Though Not Enough, IT Training Can Do Much for the 3rd World

October 26, 2015IT Training

A few months ago, information technology expert Irving Wladawsky-Berger wrote a policy brief for the Brookings Institution titled “Will the Digital Revolution Deliver for the World’s Poor?” We’ve briefly returned to that topic several times in the past few weeks, as part of our effort to emphasize the ways in which online information technology training … Read More

Information Technology Training Opportunities for Veterans

October 22, 2015Jobs

In our post last week, we called attention to certain current events that contribute to the discussion of how information technology training can be used to do good works and give back to the community. This week we’re doing it again by drawing attention to the press release regarding the honors to be conferred on … Read More

More Examples of IT Training as a Force for Good

October 15, 2015IT Training, News

We’ve discussed this topic on the Canvas Info Tech blog before, but we’re always eager to take another look at the incentives that might exist for people to pursue online information technology training, other than in order to make great money in the IT field. For some candidates, certified scrum master training or ITIL training … Read More