Now that it’s just turned to 2015, are you hearing a lot of people use phrases like “New Year, new me”? It’s certainly a common aspiration, but is it realistic?
In a previous post we advised you to take the New Year as an opportunity to boost your professional skills with an online IT training course. We stand by that advice, but mainly because we outlined the extrinsic motivators that make various online IT training courses particularly worthwhile. Those motivators are every bit as relevant whether you seek out an online IT training consultancy on January first or in the middle of August.
We expect you to stand by your own New Year’s professional resolutions, as well. But it bears mentioning that the mere changeover of the calendar is rarely sufficient to make people follow through on their commitment to a new self. Doing so requires a lot of personal wherewithal; but perhaps just as important, it sometimes requires unique circumstances that make resolutions realistic.
What does this have to do with online IT training consultancy, business analyst certification, and related credentials? Well, it serves as reminder that for many people in the IT industry, there’s a broader range of realistic options than with a lot of types of professions. That is to say, if you’re in that industry or you’re poised to enter it, “New Year, new you” might be a particularly realistic prospect.
Online IT training courses can help a person to apply a range of professional backgrounds to a variety of potential job roles and industry segments. The same basic job descriptions might fill wildly different roles in different organizations, or enable people to work i altogether different sectors of the economy.
Take programmer analyst certification for an example. People who go on to become programmer analysts may start out in general IT roles, with prior education in computer science, or they may begin by acquiring the skills that make them attractive to a particular industry and then later take software training courses and seek out programmer analyst certification to give themselves a more specific role within that same industry.
It’s possible to become a programmer analyst in a business setting and also within various scientific and technical industries. That is, in IT-intensive fields, it is rather easy to start out on an educational path that could lead to upward mobility in a number of different directions, and then make the choice to seek out straightforward online IT training, such as programmer analyst certification, business analyst certification, or anything else that may suddenly open up an IT role that utilizes your brand new and well-worn skills all at once.
If you’ve started yourself along such a path, an online IT training consultancy is a fairly simple and inexpensive way of committing to a “new you” and truly following through on that commitment.