Last week we explained to our readers that ITIL training in California and the USA at large was facing a potential sea change as the originators of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library were planning to unveil a major update known as ITIL Practitioner.
We hope that the information was useful to some of those readers who already knew that they would need to pursue online ITIL training for the sake of their future career goals. But more than that, we hope that the article served as food for thought for a larger group of candidates for online information technology training. Specifically, we hope it inspired you to keep an eye out for other new developments in old forms of information technology processes and frameworks.
Our company offers a reliable suite of software training courses and online information technology courses, including CSM, CSP, and PMP training and certification, and much more. You can always count on being able to learn the ropes on any of these topics throughout our California online information technology training consultancy. But you never know when you might need to review or expand upon these skills unless you keep abreast of developments in the IT industry and in the job descriptions for training and development specialists in California and the USA.
For that purpose, we offer these blog posts as least once a week, along with the associated information in the links our posts provide. And whether you’re well familiar with our online information technology training or you’re still considering your options for first enrollment, we encourage you to come back on a regular basis and use the Canvas Infotech website and use it as a jumping-off point for your broader study of all that’s new in the world of online information technology training, prospective career paths, and relevant skills.
We hope that whatever you find on your own will bring you back to us. If our last post led you to look around for new developments, you might, for instance, have learned about a project that was recently announced by Office of Federal Procurement Policy and the US Digital Service, aimed at fostering nationwide improvements in IT development and training, especially in the area of contracting work.
If this is news to you, you can read about it at the FCW blog, The Lectern. And once you have, you can consider whether the potential outcomes of the project will have the same sort of impact on Agile training and related skills-development as last week’s topic is likely to have on ITIL training.
Of course, it’s too early to be able to answer that question definitively, but we can say for certain that we will be paying attention to any developments that emerge from this story. Already, the discussion of how the Agile training project will be conducted has us thinking about whether the linked article describes methodology that we should adopt to our own online information technology training.
Of course, we’re confident that we’re already offering a top-shelf product when it comes to Agile training, ITIL training, and so on. But as we hope you’ll learn from reading our blog week after week, one doesn’t stay on the top in the IT industry for very long by relying on what worked in the past. It is a constant struggle to keep ahead of the curve.
And just as we hope to help you stay on top of your game by keeping you up-to-date with industry trends and changes to the descriptions of best practices, we hope you will help us stay on top of our game by giving us feedback freely and letting us know about any other online information technology training that has worked especially we for you.