Alternatives to Online Information Technology Training

March 14, 2016IT Training

Over the weekend, the News & Observer published an article that addressed two important topics with respect to the IT industry and the field of online information technology training. It pointed out, first of all, that women are still significantly under-represented in computing careers. Specifically, they comprise about 26 percent of the jobs in the … Read More

Secure Scrum, or Traditional Scrum Plus Security?

August 27, 2015Certified Scrum Master, Project Management, Project Management Training

A recent article at IT World considers questions about the relationship between Agile training, particularly certified scrum master (CSM) and certified scrum product owner (CSPO) training on the one hand, and information technology security on the other. The article points out that researchers at the Munich University of Applied Sciences recently published a paper explaining … Read More

Programmer Analyst Job Description

August 20, 2015IT Training, Jobs

As with many of the job categories that we feature on this blog, the programmer analyst job description will tend to vary somewhat depending on the industry in which you work and the particular tasks to which you are assigned. As is also true of many of these job categories, the basic list of programmer … Read More

Train for the IT Field, Get Employed, Have Fun!

July 28, 2015IT Training, Jobs

Everyone needs a little on-the-job stress relief. When it comes to the information technology field, there is certainly enough stress to go around, given the need for constant professional development and software training courses, and the high demands and tight deadlines involved in most roles. The high levels of compensation and job security make the … Read More

Turn CA Information Technology Training into IT Job Placements Worldwide

June 29, 2015Jobs

A series of recent articles have come to our attention which point to the opportunities that are continually emerging for well-trained information technology professionals in distant and diverse job markets, including markets that are recovering from downturns or adapting to new circumstances. This is a trend that’s well worth paying attention to if you’re currently … Read More

Be a Flexible IT Employee and Earn Flexible Hours

June 20, 2015News

An article that was posted to CIO on May 1 calls attention to one of the fringe benefits of information technology placements in this day and age. The author recommends that employers seriously consider the offering flexible schedules to employees of their information technology departments. She notes that such an arrangement, including compressed hours, flextime, … Read More

Java Still Important after 20 Years

March 27, 2015Java Training

If you’re learning programming languages or applying them to ongoing IT training and placement, there’s a good chance that you have encountered some unsettled questions about Java. “Is it obsolete?” some of your professional colleagues may have inquired. “Are there limits on its relevant applications?” others might have more charitably asked. As of this year, … Read More

How to Deal with IT Employers Hiring Errors

March 17, 2015Business Analyst, Data Analytics

An article by Beth Stackpole at CIO looks into the hiring practices of IT organizations and concludes that many such organizations “may be getting in their own way when it comes to effective strategies for sourcing, screening and hiring IT talent.” She identifies four particular mistakes: maintaining excessively high standards, failing to diversify their hiring … Read More