Information Technology Training and Educational Consulting

June 9, 2017News

Education is a perennially hot button issue. If you’re visiting our blog because you’re looking for information technology training in the USA, you probably know all about the debates that are constantly raging over America’s global standing in the field of education, and how to improve it. What may be somewhat less familiar, though by … Read More

Local Trainers Gone? Find an Information Technology Consultancy Online

August 1, 2016IT Training

In July, Denver Business Journal reported upon the closure of a local Colorado information technology company called Tuliva Inc. The company declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy after listing a liability-to-asset deficit of more than four million dollars. If you share our confidence in information technology training and development, you might be surprised by virtually any story … Read More

Information Technology Training Consultancy for Educators

June 21, 2016IT Training

It’s interesting that our previous post to this blog discussed our plans to stretch beyond the previous limitations that we’ve noticed in the topics that we deal with. That post acknowledged the need for more specific examples of employers and jobs in which one might utilize IT certifications and the skills learned from an online … Read More

Online Information Technology Training Can Bring Down Governments

June 6, 2016News

In the time that this blog has been live, we have focused mostly on industry trends and career prospects related to online information technology training. But along the way, we have made a point of publishing a few features dealing with non-economic aspects of working in information technology. In particular, we’ve discussed the ways in … Read More

A Training and Development Specialist for Whole Communities

March 28, 2016IT Training

We’ve brought up this topic on a number of previous occasions, but it bears periodically repeating that a background in computer programming and online information technology training is simultaneously a ticket to a bright future for yourself and an opportunity to help entire communities to develop brighter futures for themselves. To illustrate this fact, we … Read More

Managing Change in Corporate Projects

January 15, 2014Change Management

Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation and above all consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. If you force change on people normally problems arise. Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable. Before starting organizational change, ask yourself: What do we want to achieve with this change, Why, and … Read More