Though Not Enough, IT Training Can Do Much for the 3rd World

October 26, 2015IT Training

A few months ago, information technology expert Irving Wladawsky-Berger wrote a policy brief for the Brookings Institution titled “Will the Digital Revolution Deliver for the World’s Poor?” We’ve briefly returned to that topic several times in the past few weeks, as part of our effort to emphasize the ways in which online information technology training … Read More

What Does Outsourced Project Management Mean for Job Seekers?

July 12, 2015IT Training, Jobs

In an article at CIO, Moira Alexander recently raised the topic of outsourcing project management functions. The article presents some of the benefits and the risks associated with this course of action for the general business community. It is potentially a valuable read for heads of companies, especially small firms, who are looking for more … Read More