PMP Training Should Precede Investment in Software

December 7, 2017PMP Training

If your business is striving to develop its project management protocol, there is an abundance of technological resources that exist to help you. But it is important to understand that as helpful as these resources might be, they are only supplements for PMP training, not replacements. A company that is serious about project management will … Read More

Customizing Your Work Environment to Match your PMP Training

July 21, 2017PMP Training

If you run a search for “project management” across the web, chances are you’ll come up with a number of websites making recommendations for the exact software tools with which you can make use of your PMP training and certification. If you have the relevant background to draw upon, you may find some of these … Read More

Software Training Courses to Address Payroll Problems

July 26, 2016Change Management

Although our software training courses are based in California, they are accessible online via anywhere in the world. Indeed, that’s an important feature of Canvas InfoTech: it brings the esteemed online information technology training of the Bay Area to aspiring IT professionals in a variety of regions where local training may not rise to the … Read More

IAEA Increasingly Reliant on Software Training Courses

July 4, 2016News

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll remember that we recently made a commitment to try to provide some more explicit examples of the types of positions and employers that could provide you with a useful outlet for your online information technology training. We presented this as an alternative to more general discussions … Read More