The Value of Real-World Agile Training

April 25, 2016Jobs

Last week, an article appeared at CIO which asked a very basic question, and one that certainly should be of interest to a major portion of the visitors to this blog: Is agile training or the coursework for a similar certification worth the price tag and the opportunity cost that goes into acquiring them? Sharon … Read More

IT Job Placements: Now for Philosophers and Historians!

September 2, 2015IT Placements

Joshua B. Gross recently wrote an excellent and thought-provoking article for the Chronicle of Higher Education. In it he refers to information technology job placements as the “accidental career for Ph.Ds.” He makes a compelling argument, grounded in personal experience, and we recommend that everyone read it, especially if you are worried about a perceived … Read More

Turn CA Information Technology Training into IT Job Placements Worldwide

June 29, 2015Jobs

A series of recent articles have come to our attention which point to the opportunities that are continually emerging for well-trained information technology professionals in distant and diverse job markets, including markets that are recovering from downturns or adapting to new circumstances. This is a trend that’s well worth paying attention to if you’re currently … Read More

A Scrum of One

April 9, 2015Certified Scrum Master, Project Management

When looking for Agile training in the USA, what type of methodology do you look for in order to make yourself adaptable to the widest range of prospective regional and national employers and projects? Your answer is almost certain to vary based on your concept of what “prospective” means for you. For instance, do you … Read More