Improving Security as a Training and Development Specialist

September 28, 2017IT Training

What’s in a training and development specialist job description? The general answer to that question should be fairly obvious from the title of the position. As a training and development specialist, you would be helping to develop solutions to institutional problems and inefficiencies by focusing on the proper training of personnel. The more particular answer … Read More

Cybersecurity Training is Useful in Fields Far Beyond IT

August 3, 2017Jobs

A huge portion of the national dialogue in the United States has been dominated lately by the apparent attempts by the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election, mostly by digital means. It shouldn’t be difficult to see the implications of this publicity for cybersecurity training. These implications are especially obvious when one considers … Read More

Online Information Technology Training Can Bring Down Governments

June 6, 2016News

In the time that this blog has been live, we have focused mostly on industry trends and career prospects related to online information technology training. But along the way, we have made a point of publishing a few features dealing with non-economic aspects of working in information technology. In particular, we’ve discussed the ways in … Read More

IT Security Threats Growing Rapidly

February 1, 2016IT Training

A new article at InfoWorld deals with the topics of malware and IT security in the present day, when security challenges are growing by leaps and bounds, and on a daily basis. The article gives the same information in a few different ways, which is understandable since the statistics are staggering. It points out that … Read More

IT Training for Careers in Military, Manufacturing & Service

November 23, 2015Jobs

Can you imagine a time when military basic training includes not just a battery of physical tests but also things like PMP training and certification, or online information technology training courses? You probably don’t see a lot of overlap between the roles of your average foot soldier and the roles and responsibilities of a California … Read More

Data Security Concerns and Contract-Based Opportunities

October 19, 2015IT Placements

Education Week recently published an article detailing the challenges facing K-12 schools in the United States when it comes to the privacy of student data. Such reports raise interesting questions about emerging opportunities for information technology job placements that put professionals in contact with the education sector, whether on a permanent or temporary basis, as … Read More

In Demand: IT Security Professionals

May 12, 2015IT Training, Jobs

Now that this blog has begun to highlight some of the types of jobs for which Canvas InfoTech online IT training can make you a better candidate, it is appropriate that we should focus on some of the specific types of jobs that hiring managers are especially likely to be looking to fill with people … Read More