Information Technology Training Creeping into Other Fields of Study

October 26, 2017Big Data

The UK’s Liverpool John Moore University recently unveiled plans for Center for Doctoral Training in the relatively new field of “data intensive science.” This can easily be viewed as another in a long line of examples illustrating the integration of information technology training into other fields. In this particular case, we are looking at the … Read More

Information Technology Training and Educational Consulting

June 9, 2017News

Education is a perennially hot button issue. If you’re visiting our blog because you’re looking for information technology training in the USA, you probably know all about the debates that are constantly raging over America’s global standing in the field of education, and how to improve it. What may be somewhat less familiar, though by … Read More

IAEA Increasingly Reliant on Software Training Courses

July 4, 2016News

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll remember that we recently made a commitment to try to provide some more explicit examples of the types of positions and employers that could provide you with a useful outlet for your online information technology training. We presented this as an alternative to more general discussions … Read More

PMP Training – the First Step to the Most Lucrative IT Careers

June 27, 2016PMP Training

Last week, PC Mag published an article on a topic that should be familiar to anyone who is pursuing a career in information technology. Although the Canvas Info Tech blog has made a concerted effort to call attention to some of the non-monetary aspects of information technology careers that might make them appealing, we can’t … Read More

Information Technology Training Consultancy for Educators

June 21, 2016IT Training

It’s interesting that our previous post to this blog discussed our plans to stretch beyond the previous limitations that we’ve noticed in the topics that we deal with. That post acknowledged the need for more specific examples of employers and jobs in which one might utilize IT certifications and the skills learned from an online … Read More

Information Technology Training Consultancy for Foreign Markets

May 24, 2016IT Training

Do you remember internet cafés? If you’re particularly young – young enough to only now be taking an interest in online information technology training consultancy – you may have no conscious memory of having seen one. In the United States, internet cafés have already become a short-lived memory of a bygone era. It was largely … Read More

Free Training Now, Online IT Training Later

December 14, 2015IT Training

There was an article in the Houston Chronicle recently – certainly not the only one of its kind – which described the availability of various tuition grants for information technology training programs. That particularly article took San Jacinto College as an example, but if you’re on a blog because you’ve been searching for an online … Read More

Community College Education and Online IT Training

December 7, 2015Jobs

For a long time, something has been amiss about our attitudes and priorities when it comes to higher education in America. Recently, there’s been a strong counter-trend, leading people to reject liberal arts as useless and to blame expensive for-profit colleges for the student loan crisis. This seems a bit like overcompensation for past missteps. … Read More

IT Training for Careers in Military, Manufacturing & Service

November 23, 2015Jobs

Can you imagine a time when military basic training includes not just a battery of physical tests but also things like PMP training and certification, or online information technology training courses? You probably don’t see a lot of overlap between the roles of your average foot soldier and the roles and responsibilities of a California … Read More